releasing this week: Get Him to the Greek and The Collector

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So you’ve heard me going on about it for the last while and it’s finally here. Get Him to the Greek will be in Irish cinemas from this Wednesday 23rd June. On Friday then you will be able to see a new horror thriller The Collector as well as When In Rome and Woody Allen’s new film, Whatever Works.

Get Him to the Greek Russell Brand Jonah HillI’ve already talked about Get Him to the Greek quite a bit. I wrote a little feature on it a few weeks ago so you can see more details on what it’s actually about and watch a short clip over there. So, I’ll keep it relatively brief here.

Fact is, I just like Russell Brand. He’s the reason I’ve been looking forward to this film so much. I just think he’s a really funny guy. Now, perhaps I’ve mentioned this before but those who know me personally will already know this. I didn’t grow up here in Ireland or even in Europe, so I’d never heard of Russell Brand in his former incarnation – boozed-up drug-addled MTV presenter. (It’s not libel if he’s said it himself right?) I’m only familiar with the clean living, if slightly bedraggled, and older Russell Brand. The one who hangs out with Jonathan Ross.

It seems he’s come a long way since DanceFloor Chart. I think it was probably this interview that got me to take notice of him, I never watched Big Brother so didn’t know anything about him or his stand up but one Friday night in 2006 this affected young man had me in stitches. Since then I’ve watch his career with interest and it was great to see him getting a go at a Hollywood film in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and even better to see him co-starring in one now.

If you are heading to this during the week, let me know – can you spot which scenes from the trailer didn’t make the final cut?

The Collector posterThe Collector is the latest in a seemingly un-ending stream of small horror films that come out all year. I had a look back and I reckon it’s the 10th horror film this year with another 9 upcoming. Depending on whether or not you count The Twilight Saga: Eclipse… which I don’t.

Mind you, I’m not complaining about that, it’s just a comment. There are just a lot of random horror films out there and I thought you might like to know.

This one comes to us from the pen (and directorial wand) of Marcus Dunstan the screenplay writer of the Saw IV onwards… not the best Saw films, but I am undeterred. I have to admit though, I read something about traps and a deadly house in the plot synopsis for this so… to me, it sounds like Saw all over.

I haven’t read or heard much about it but apparently it’s quite gory. I don’t want to get on a big rant about the whole gory horror controversy that rages every time a film like this comes out but suffice it to say, the prospect of gore doesn’t particularly put me off a film.

Usually I’d be all over this but to be honest; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a truly good and original horror film. This doesn’t stop me from going to horror films, not a chance, I try to see as many as possible of the new ones that come out… but I can’t help but look at this one with a slight lack of enthusiasm. I’m seeing The Collector tonight courtesy of a Phantom 105.2 competition win (thanks guys!) so hopefully this will be the film to restore my faith new horror…

Other films out this week:

When In Rome – Romantic comedy starring Kristen Bell (coincidently, Russell Brand’s partner in his 2008 Hollywood debut) and Josh Duhamel. Few interesting people in the support cast – Anjelica Huston, Jon Heder and Will Arnett all feature, if it weren’t for them I’d completely write it off… but there must have been something in the script for them to sign up to it… right? Right? Being honest, the premise seems pretty dodgy – a girl is afflicted by a curse where people are forced to fall in love with her? Sounds a lot like an episode of Buffy to me… make that two episodes

Whatever Works – I’m not fussed on Woody Allen but if you are then you’ll be happy to know he has a new film out. This one stars Larry David and Evan Rachel Wood – who, I might add, is lookin’ a hell of a lot older than 22. That’s kind of freaked me out a bit now.

Anyway, Larry David plays Boris a misanthropic New Yorker who against his better judgement finds himself taking in a stray in the shape of Melodie (Wood). Comedy and drama ensue. I can’t see myself heading to this, I just have no interest in Woody Allen films, but if you are thinking of it then you might be interested to know that the critics are divided on it but the IMDb rating is fairly decent.

Get Him to the Greek is in cinemas now. When In Rome, Whatever Works and The Collector are in Irish cinemas from this Friday, 25th June 2010.

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