movie news: First trailer for new Jason Statham film!


As though you need to know more than that…

Ten reasons you must see Parker

  1. It stars Jason Statham. So obviously you should go see it.
  2. He seems to have hair in at least part of the film. I’m immediately curious.
  3. Hair could mean he’s moving into Nicolas Cage Crazy territory. It’s an interesting space.
  4. Later on he’s wearing a cowboy hat. You know he’ll have something funny to say about that.
  5. I think he’s trying to putting on a Texan accent at one point. Worth the price of admission alone.
  6. He cried in his last film. Maybe lightning will strike twice?
  7. I can’t quite tell from the trailer what kind of “elite whatever” he is. Gotta watch to find out.
  8. Jennifer Lopez is in it. The Stath is moving up the Hollywood ladder. Support him.
  9. He punches! He kicks! He shoots! He talks back!
  10. Jason Statham is in it. Did you really need 10 reasons?

Sadly we’ll have to wait till Mar 8th 2013 to see Parker in Ireland. UK and US folks will be getting on January 25th. It’s an unreasonably long wait really considering we only got 2 movies starring The Stath this year. Perhaps we were just spoiled with the 4 last year…

Out of interest, what’s your favourite Jason Statham film?


  1. comment-avatar
    SeanOctober 4, 2012 - 11:37 am

    This has kind of made my morning. The new trailer and the fact that someone gets the same kick out of Jason Statham movies.

    Crank 2 is my favourite, I think. I do like me some Chev Chelios.

  2. comment-avatar
    JamieOctober 4, 2012 - 3:34 pm

    I think he’s an elite zombie…

  3. comment-avatar
    Colin HughesOctober 5, 2012 - 12:32 am

    Every film would benefit if the stath was in it…..his inner turmoil, his anguish, his soul in a criminal hell…..portrayed by nothing that happens on screen in any of his films……EVER!!!!

    This generations Chales Bronson, without any of the social commentary of Death Wish or the supporting cast of the great escape

  4. comment-avatar
    SeanOctober 5, 2012 - 12:58 pm

    Not sure how I’m surviving without Michael Winner’s incisive social commentary stretched over 5 exploitation movies.

    Great Escape was an ensemble film really, no? Everyone was Steve McQueen’s supporting cast, if anything.
    Mr. Statham had his supporting cast in the Expendables. I won’t argue what was the better film obv.

    I’m not sure anyone is hoodwinked into thinking they’ll get social commentary from a Statham film. There are plenty of other good films for that.
    He exists in a more visceral cinematic milieu, due to his supreme ass-kicking metier.

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